
Friday, March 13, 2009

Lifestyle changes to drop a dress size fast

One of the best weight control/diet/lifestyle change blogs I have found . . . Eat2BSlim

The following post is from that blog . . . lifestyle changes are more important to maintaining good health than a "diet" and losing weight temporarily.

Here are ten tiny changes you can make to your daily routine to drop a dress size fast.

1. DON’T starve yourself. Fasting is not the most effective way to lose weight. To drop a dress size fast you should eat five small meals a day to help speed up your metabolism.

2. Start each day with a healthy breakfast. Try oatmeal with banana and cinnamon, low-fat yogurt with fresh berries and chopped walnuts, whole-wheat toast with almond butter, or a fresh fruit smoothie.

3. Swap your coffee for herbal tea. You’ll save around 148 calories per cup (a latte with low fat milk has about 150 calories, a cup of herbal tea has about 2 calories). If you really need your morning coffee, allow yourself one cup of black coffee a day (just 5 calories).

4. Increase your water intake to 2.5 liters a day and add a slice of lemon to each glass. It will help suppress your appetite and flush out toxins as you lose weight.

5. Increase your fiber intake to help to keep you feeling full for longer and maintain even blood sugar levels. If you really want to drop a dress size fast, make sure you fill up on whole grains (bread, cereals, pasta and brown rice), nuts, seeds, legumes (dried peas, beans, lentils), fruits and vegetables.

6. If you are hankering for a snack, fill up on negative calorie foods – foods with so few calories that you burn more than you consume by eating them. Negative calorie foods include cabbage, lettuce, cucumbers and celery.

7. Cut out all soda and other sugary drinks. Instead, drink water and herbal teas. This will help you reach your goal to drop a dress size in no time.

8. When you feel an energy slump coming on, avoid sugar and caffeine. Instead have some healthy snacks handy to keep your blood sugar levels even. Try oat cakes and hummus, sliced apple and almond butter, a handful of raw unsalted nuts, edamame or chopped up vegetables.

9. Cut down your portion sizes. Put less on your plate and eat slowly, savoring your food. If you’re still hungry at the end of a meal, wait 20 minutes before getting a second helping. That will give your brain enough time to work out whether you really are still hungry.

10. Exercise. Sadly watching what you eat won’t be enough on its own. If you want to drop a dress size fast you will need to burn some calories. Try going for a hard 30 minute walk each day before dinner.

For more information and dieting strategies to help you lose weight . . . Click Here to Visit Thank you Ester Jane!