
Thursday, July 19, 2012

DIY Blush

Who wouldn't want to at least try to make
 blush that ends up costing a penny or two?

What a wonderfully frugal idea!!

This project comes from one of my newest
 blog discoveries, My American Confessions.

Click here for the tutorial!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Mini Muffin Box

What an awesome idea!

You could also use these little boxes
 for cookies and candies.

They are so nice and compact . . . 
would be great for storage of little stuff.

This awesome project comes from one of my
 new blog discoveries, Desperate Craftwives.

Click here for the tutorial!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Ribbon scarf . . . fabric manipulation

Although I like the scarf, what I am really impressed
 with is the technique for making the fabric.

The possibilities are endless with this method of fabric manipulation.  What first comes to mind for me is denim and lace for a purse over another piece of fabric.  It would also be awesome for refashioning t-shirts with cutouts and reverse applique.  

Love this!!  And it is so easy . . . check it out!

Click here for the tutorial by Kayte Terry . . . 
photo credit also belongs to Kayte!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Homemade Hair Treatments

We tend to torture and torment our hair on a daily basis with curling irons, hair straighteners, blow dryers, chemical treatments and exposure to the sun.  Then we spend all kinds of money on expensive treatments to make up for the abuse.

No matter what type of hair you have, there is a natural treatment that you can make at home for a lot less money and just as effective (or better) than those expensive concoctions that contain all types of chemicals.  

Don't you hate it when you spend a lot of money on one of these products and that just don't work for you?

I went on a search for hair care and found an awesome website, Dreamy Hairstyles.  This website has great information on all things hair, but in particular, I loved an excellent article on homemade hair treatments. 

Click here for the post!