
Monday, July 28, 2014

Upcycled decorated storage bin

Look at what you can do with an old unused storage bin!

This is what it looked like before . . . 

It is amazing that with a little imagination, hardware, scrap cloth and trims or whatever else you come up with, you can turn something plain like an old storage bin into something like a piece of furniture.

See how Becca transformed her storage bin . . . click here.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Recycle old candles

Candle lovers out there know how expensive it can be to burn candles every day as we love to do.

This is a little trick that I had forgotten about since my candle making supplies are buried in my craft room, but I plan on digging them out soon!

Back in the day when my yard was my Paradise, I bought candle holders on sticks and lined them down the pathways and placed here and there for effect at night.  It took lots of candles to do this and I would recycle them regularly.

What I used were old juice glasses and custard dishes as well as my trusty decorated recycled glass jars.  They looked gorgeous out there at night!

The tutorial will show you how to do it and what supplies you will need from the craft store.  It is relatively inexpensive to recycle your old candles.  Safety is always first, don't go wandering around the house while melting candle wax . . . I use a dedicated pot just for melting candle wax.

You will look at glass items with different eyes when you go shopping as you can find some very interesting glass pieces that are appropriate for candles at yard sales, dollar stores and thrift stores.  Go through your collection of glass items at home . . . you never know what treasures you will come across that you forgot you even had!

Click here for the tutorial!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Denim Jeans Mini Purse

What a cute little mini purse or belt pouch made from denim jeans legs!

Click on the link at the end of this post to go to the tutorial, which can be used as a guide.  I love the techniques used in the construction of the purse. 

The purse itself can be made fancier by using fabric embellishments, jewelry and buttons.

Let your imagination be your guide :)

Click here to go to the tutorial!

Monday, July 7, 2014

Denim Flip Flops

How cute are these denim flip flops to wear around the house?

The construction of these flip flops do not use shoe soles as a base, but it should not be too difficult to use an old pair of flip flops as a base.  You can use some of the other tutorials I have listed on this blog to see how to use recycle old flip flops.

Love this idea!  It has given me inspiration for many designs :)

Click here to go to the tutorial.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

DIY Button Pendant Light

Just when I had a small lampshade in the big bag headed for the trash, I saw this project.

Look at what you can do with buttons and a lampshade frame!  Of course you have to learn how to wire a lamp if you want to use it as a lamp, but I was also thinking it would make great bones for very fancy windchimes.

Whatever project you have in mind for this creative inspiration, it is an ingenious use of an old lampshade frame!

Click here for the tutorial and don't forget to check out the awesome website!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Paper clip & junk mail bracelet

This bracelet takes recycling to another level!

It is made with paper clips and junk mail. 

Of course you could use colorful gift wrapping paper,
 magazine pages, etc.

What an excellent project for little girls!!

Click here for the tutorial :)