
Sunday, September 7, 2008

Do you know how to pamper yourself?

Pampering yourself doesn't have to be an expensive endeavor . . . sometimes the cost is just taking time for yourself. When I found this article, I had to include it in my blog . . . it is one of the most important things that a woman can do for herself.

Pamper yourself today :)

Here are 5 Quick-Tips

By Sylvia C. Hall

Women. Ahh, we can do it all. We do it all. Right? Well, almost. I know of far too many mommies, or far too many entrepreneurs, or far too many work-from-homers that know how to do just about everything. That is, everything but pamper themselves.

Women today have to wear 10,000 hats just to get everything done. What does a normal week consist of? How much are you in charge of completing? Add it up. Make a list. I made a little list just to see what I was doing every week, and it made me realize something. I was in need of a break. A well deserved break.

Sure, men are busy, too. But, we will leave that to another article. This is an article for those who understand it’s NOT okay to leave an empty granola bar box in the cabinet. Are little things like these starting to drive you mad? Well, join the club, and then read these 5 ways to pamper yourself and retire the hats for at least just a bit.

1. Buy yourself something pretty. I’m a fan of jewelry and flowers. No, it doesn’t have to be especially pricey. You can find a bouquet of flowers at the grocery store for under $5. And, “fashion jewelry” may seem trendy, but if you think it’s pretty . . . go for it!

2. Do something to make you feel better about your body. Take a bubble bath, paint your toes, pluck your eyebrows . . . do something to pamper that body of yours.

3. About that body. Are you one of those “negative-self-talkers?” One of the best ways to pamper yourself is to STOP that right now. Stop that negative gibber-jabber.

4. Perhaps you’ve heard of a gratitude journal. It’s a wonderful way to make yourself aware of 3 good things that happened to you throughout the day. I want you to use this same idea for an "I Love Me journal". Take some time to write 3 reasons you love yourself, everyday! Point out all the wonderful things about your body, your mind, and your spirit. You can pamper yourself by loving yourself.

5. Daydream. Kids do it all the time. Go back to your child-like innocence and enjoy a lovely daydream. Imagine yourself somewhere beautiful. Think pleasant thoughts. Be at one with the moment, which is currently yours.

You can pamper yourself. You can take just a few minutes each day to appreciate and love yourself. Take care of yourself and everyone in your life will be better off. Even the one who left the empty granola bar box in the cabinet . . .

Sylvia C. Hall lives and writes in Kansas City. Women's topics and children's literature interest her most. Sylvia has her BA degree in English with minors in Education and Psychology. She will begin teaching part time in the Kindergarten classroom this fall. Sylvia loves the creative process. She especially enjoys photography, dancing, and being a vivacious woman.

Check out her blogs to learn more:

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