
Friday, November 26, 2010

Chilling out :)

How is everyone's Thanksgiving holiday going?

Today has been a day of chilling out for us.

Yesterday was all about eating and spending
time with family.

One thing I need to comment on is the awesome
weather we are having in Central Florida.  Although
we had a quick downpour this morning, the weather
has been perfect.  It has been warm without high
humidity . . . perfect for outdoors!

I'm a bit late starting my blog hops, but better late than
never . . . I have some new buttons to add to the list,
but since it is so late, I'll add them later.

Something new . . . I have added a page for Blog Hops.
My list grew too fast and too big to list on my sidebar,
making my blogs way too fast to load.

If you haven't tried doing blog hops . . .
what are you waiting for?

I've won my first giveaway and this just gave me more
encouragement to keep entering more and more.
You can't win unless you enter!

Hope everyone is having an awesome
Thanksgiving holiday!

Friday Blog Hops



Friend Finding Fridays
Friendly Friday Button


Follow Along Fridays
Smart and Trendy Moms



Weekend Blog Hops

Photobucket Photobucket

It's OK to follow... it's the Weekend

BWS tips button

Weekend blog hop button


  1. Gina Thank you for stopping by my blog :) I really appreciate it very much

    I am following you now

    PS Your blog is awesome!

  2. Following from the weekend blog hop. Hope you can visit and follow back.

    I've got 10 giveaways and a giveaway linky that could use some loving if you've got a second, too.

    Michelle @ Things Sent My Way

  3. So glad I found your site via the blog hop. Good to know you. Hope you follow back!
