
Monday, February 21, 2011

Tuesday Happenings

Spring cleaning has officially begun! 

My mom came over and we spent the day moving some stuff around and getting the kitchen a little more organized.  It's a girl thing I guess . . . my mom always helps me do this kind of stuff.  I must admit it is not my favorite thing to do.

I'm still not feeling 100% back to normal or it could be an adverse reaction to the antibiotics.  Tuesday will find me behind the computer catching up on comments, visiting blogs, doing blog hops and working on my webspaces.  Honestly, I was having withdrawals all day long being away from the computer.

Included at the bottom of this post is an updated Tuesday blog hop list.  If you have a blog hop or participate in a blog hop that is not listed, please leave me a comment with the link and I will include it on the next update.

Hoping everyone had a fabulous Monday . . . 

Tuesday Blog Hops

BWS tips button Busy Mom's Tips Tuesday Blog Hop Photobucket facebook tuesday button
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photobucket
Just Married with Coupons To-the-TOP Tuesday
randomtuesday The Coupon Challenge and Mom on Dealz
Top Ten {Tuesday} handmade projects
hearthandsoulgirlichef ShutterLoveTuesdays
Photobucket Photobucket
Lovely Yellow Ribbons Tuesday Night Supper Club

Let's Just Give It Away A Crafty Soiree


  1. Nothin' like spring cleaning! Glad you got help. Get well. So many little time.

  2. oh my! Spring cleaning...:) reminds me of cleaning my closet.

    Thanks for dropping by...great to be here!
